4 star campsite Les Places Dorées Saint Jean de Monts (Vendée / 85)
What's new at the campsite and in Saint-Jean-de-Monts
What better way to choose your future vacation spot than to see what's going on there? Visit the 5-star Les Places Dorées campsite website and find out about all the latest news, inside and outside the campsite! You then have an overview of the good plans, activities and teams of Places Dorées. Enough to convince you to come and spend your summer holidays in Vendée!

What’s new at the campsite

Every year, as the seasons change, your 5-star campsite Les Places Dorées evolves . We listen to the advice of our vacationers, and our campsite changes and improves from year to year . Don’t waste a drop, by finding out about the latest news and news from the campsite!


The construction of crazy new slides , the inauguration of new accommodation, the renovation of toilet blocks … Everything that happens in Les Places Dorées campsite! Find out more on our website, or even better: follow us on social networks.


Services & activities

Depending on the days, weeks, seasons and holidaymakers’ preferences, our activity schedule is constantly changing . Obviously for the best! Consult the schedule and activities on our website , and boost your desire to come and stay in one of our many accommodations even more.


Between parties, children’s clubs, activities for teenagers , you benefit from a whole range of services when you spend your holidays at Les Places Dorées campsite. Find out about all that we offer to our holidaymakers!


To transport you to the campsite live, you can also visit our social networks, and follow our activities. You will discover live the workshops with the children in real time, and even the crazy evenings with all the residents of the campsite! Impossible to get tired, with so many activities.


Tips around the campsite

Between April and September, the restaurants, shops and parks near Les Places Dorées campsite always offer temporary discounts and promotions . To save you time and energy, go to the Campsite News page!


We give you all the information on the latest promotions and discounts not to be missed. Choose your activities from a whole range of options, and don’t miss any news from Saint-Jean-de-Monts and its surroundings!


Favorite landscapes and places

As connoisseurs of the Vendée and all the beauties it can offer you during your stay at Les Places Dorées campsite, we give you all the information on the places not to be missed during your holidays!


Whether it’s particularly calm spots on a long fine sandy beach , a wild cove on the Ile d’Yeu, a fairly simple hike with an absolutely sublime arrival point… All the news of the Vendée takes place under your eyes, on our website.


Our goal: to make your vacation as peaceful and productive as possible . You should not miss anything during your stay in Vendée, the landscapes are far too beautiful!


Follow the advice of professionals from the Places Dorées , and make your holiday profitable by going to visit the must-sees and participating in the ephemeral events typical of Saint-Jean-de-Monts and its surroundings.


The Vendée is waiting for you!

Camping Saint-Jean-de-Monts: Golden Places: 10 reasons to go down

You may have searched, but you are not sure how a stay at Camping Saint-Jean-de-Monts Les Places Dorées can cause. Here are 10 reasons to stay!

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4-star camping Golden Places in Saint-Jean-de-Monts

To feel the true happiness during the holidays, a stay at the campsite Les Places Dorées in Saint-Jean-de-Monts is highly recommended.

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Camping Golden Places in the image of the evolution of the campsite

For thousands of years, camping has always been a real tourist activity for millions of people. It consists of staying in the same place under a tent, a caravan, or in a motorhome. In France, it is one of the most popular tourist activities. But many are unaware that there is a whole history dating back millennia around the campsite. We invite you to discover it briefly.

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The strengths of Camping Saint-Jean-de-Monts Les Places Dorées

With the 4-star Camping Saint-Jean-de-Monts with water park, you will spend a beautiful holiday with family or friends in the middle of the pools.

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Camping The Golden Places in Saint-Jean-de-Monts: the company of your animals

Choose the Golden Places campsite in Saint-Jean-de-Monts!

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The Bikedyssée: the best bike paths according to The Golden Places

France is a very beautiful country, it is known to all. However, it's hard to imagine how good it is, if you've never tried to discover it from your bike. Such a journey will allow you to live an adventure punctuated by encounters and rich discoveries. Performing the Velodyssée is clearly the best option available to you for this. Let's make this huge journey together through this article.

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Better inform yourself. Better to book. Better travel



For any request, you can contact the reception who will be happy to provide you with information at the following times :

9 am-12pm / 2 pm-6pm in low season

(from April 13 to July 3, 2020 and from August 30 to September 20, 2020)

9 am-1pm / 2 pm-7pm in high season

(July 4 to August 29, 2020)


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